Planning your move

November 16, 2023

How to tackle the challenges of moving home before Christmas.

If you are planning your home move now, you’re one of many looking forward to celebrating Christmas and New Year in a new home.

With so many things to do, make sure you have a plan of action in place so that your move runs as smoothly as possible.

Packing your boxes

It’s best to start packing early, while time is still on your side. Make sure you have plenty of boxes, as it could surprise you how many you’ll need! Did you know you can purchase handy wardrobe boxes now? These allow you to hang your clothes on a rail, making them less likely to crease.

Begin with less essential items and label your boxes by room with a marker pen. Put heavier items in smaller boxes, too, to help avoid boxes breaking. Keep special track of valuables in order to safeguard them and find them easily after your move. What’s more, if you pack your Christmas decorations and presents together, it will save time later. Remember to leave frequently used kitchen and bathroom items until last.

Clear out unused items

Donating unused clothes, shoes, and other belongings will help clear space for you in your new home. It could also make all the difference to your local charity shop. Keep in mind to check shops are open if you’re going to drop in, and that some will ask you to arrange a delivery time. If you have items that are too worn out, you may need to book a slot at your local landfill, too.

Book your moving slot in advance

For a smooth move, securing your moving date well in advance is key. If you have a quote from your home mover, this acts as a handy reservation, giving you a target date to work towards.

Plan early for the festivities

Ensure your peace of mind by purchasing Christmas gifts, decorations, and treats early on. This enables you to post presents ahead of the move and frees up your focus on other tasks. Ideally, wrap gifts for close family members in good time, and you’ll avoid falling into the trap of wrapping presents at the last minute. If you can, ask other family members to help share the gift-wrapping.

Changing your address

Notify your utilities, banks, internet, and television providers of your new address and moving date. Doing this will help with security, avoiding possible loss of sensitive documents. Transferring utilities ensures you’re all set for a cosy, warm Christmas Day. If you settle old meter bills now, it helps clear the slate for your fresh start, too. Once you have moved, remember to have the address details changed for the remaining items, such as a car license.

Moving your pet

If you have a pet, it is best to move them first so they are not overly distressed by all the commotion. For dogs and cats, it will also help if they’re not running around your feet, tripping you up! Before the move begins, prepare by coaxing cats and small dogs into a carrier, or by setting up your vehicle for transporting large dogs. Once you’ve taken them to the new home, you can shut them off in a quiet room with their toys and essentials.

Many hands make light work

The moving day itself will be full of excitement with lots to do, so it would be wise to enlist the help of those close to you. It could save you time and energy on the day, and, if an issue does arise, help will also be close at hand. If you have young children with you on the moving day, friends could help occupy and look after them, too.

We wish you all the best with your move! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in your new home.

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