Now’s the time for independent mortgage advice

June 06, 2023

With many mortgage lenders making changes to loans, it’s time to get independent advice about the most appropriate mortgage deals that are currently available in the market.

“Now, more than ever, is a good time for customers to receive independent mortgage advice. Whilst mortgage providers have been increasing their interest rates, a number are now reducing them. Speaking to an independent financial advisor will ensure you are accessing the most competitive options available at any given time.”

Independent financial advisor, Andrew Fagg, of Davenport Financial Management

Whilst interest rates are fast affecting mortgages, there is still hope for home buyers. Fixed term mortgages, enabling increased financial security, are still available from a broad range of lenders. Seeking independent advice could mean you can find a mortgage with an even longer fixed term.

Recent stamp-duty cuts also mean savings for all buyers, the £250,000 stamp duty exemption creates a £2,500 saving for all. First-time buyers are exempt from stamp duty for property worth up to £425,000, with further discounts available for property of higher value.

If you’d like advice on what you can afford, we’d be happy to introduce you to our independent financial advisors. If you’re considering selling your property, please contact your nearest Mackenzie Smith branch for an up-to-date property valuation and advice on local market conditions.

Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it.

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